The Finnish national LVI-numbers are unique 7-digit identification numbers for the HVAC-products sold on the Finnish market. With these LVI-numbers the HVAC-products are identified in the whole supply chain. Therefore, when product features or usage changes significantly, a new LVI-number is needed.
Features resulting to a LVI-number change are typically modifications in power, measures, colour, design or a material of a certain product.
For instance, when the colour of a washing basin is modified from white to black, while the measures stay the same, a new LVI number is required.
A change in a product code means usually that a new LVI-number is required.
Note that changes in GTIN13 –code, customs code, CE marking, country of origin or package information, do not require changing of LVI-number.
Whenever you feel unsure, contact customer service.
Updating product information with form
1. Start by searching products which you want to update. You can search all products, or narrow down the search result for example with the product group and product class.
2. Pick the products you want to update and choose Add to Edit Basket.
3. You can add products to already existing basket or create new basket. In this example we create a new basket. Then choose Add and show basket.
4. You can edit all the products at the same time by clicking the box next to LVI-number, or you can edit products one by one.
5. Make any necessary changes to the product(s). Note that it is not possible make changes to LVI-number, product group or product class. Then choose Save.
6. When the application is complete, choose Send basket. You will receive a message in your email once your application has been processed.
Updating product information with Product information standard
Updating product information with Excel is the easiest way when you want to update a multitude of products at the same time.
1. Start by searching products which you want to update. You can narrow down the search result for example with the product group and product class.
2. Pick the products you want to update and choose Export to Excel.
3. Select Product information standard.
4. Klick Continue.
5. Excel file is sent in your e-mail address.
6. Mark the leter M (change) in the Operation column. Make any necessary changes to the product(s). Note that it is not possible make changes to LVI-number, product group or product class. In this example we update the product codes. Save the file on your computer.
7. Choose Excel-application.
8. Click Product information standard and Choose and import file.
9. Select the file you have saved. Open the file.
10. Click Proceed.
11. Click Go to the edit basket.
12. When the application is complete, choose Send basket. You will receive a message in your email once your application has been processed.